"GS" Series H.264 DVRs
♦ H.264 Recording Compression
♦ Mobile Suport for iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Symbian Mobiles
♦ Independently Adjustable Resolution, Frame Rate and Image Quality
♦ Supports VGA (1280 x 1024 Max), CVBS/BNC Video Outputs
♦ 4 or 8 Channel BNC Video Inputs 4 or 8 Channel RCA Audio Inputs
♦ Bi-Directional Audio Talk
♦ Backup by USB HDD, USB Thumb Drive
♦ Motion Detection and Privacy Masking
♦ Manual, Schedule , Alarm and Motion Detection Recording Modes
♦ Prerecording and Post Recording of Motion Detection and Alarm Events
♦ Multi-Channel Simultaneous Playback
♦ Front Panel, Mouse and IR Remote Operation
♦ Cyclical and Non-Cyclical Recording
♦ 4 Channel Alarm Inputs / One Output
♦ Multiple User Account and Permission Setup
♦ Importable / Exportable Configuration Settings
♦ 10M/100M Adaptive Network Interface
♦ Supports Multiple PTZ Protocols, PTZ Presets, Patrols and Patterns
♦ Remote Search, Playback and Download
♦ Remote System Maintenance Operations: HD Format, Upgrade, Reboot and Shut Down
♦ Remote PTZ contro